Hjemmeside for jaktgolden
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*På talefot med hunden - de dempende signaler
Turid Rugaas
*Hva gjør jeg når hunden drar i båndet?
Turid Rugaas
*Tom Dokken's Retriever Training: The Complete Guide to Developing Your Hunting Dog
By Tom Dokken
In Tom Dokken's Retriever Training, America's leading trainer helps you channel your hunting dog's huge ambition so he works for you, the way you want, and does so happily.
*Sporting Dog and Retriever Training: The Wildrose Way: Raising a Gentleman's Gundog for Home and Field
by Mike Stewart, Paul Fersen and John Newman (Sep 11, 2012)
A comprehensive guide to transforming your dog into a valuable wing-shooting companion in the field and at home. Created by Mike Stewart of Wildrose Kennels, the Wildrose Way is a unique, low-force, positive training method that is field-proven for upland and waterfowl gundogs. The training prepares dogs for versatility—any game, any terrain, any destination—and makes them desirable companions for any situation.
by Lez Graham (Author)
The Pet Gundog has been written for all those dog owners, who like me, have a gundog breed sharing their home. Introducing you to the psychology of the dog, common sense behaviour advice is given on how to achieve harmony in your mixed-species pack. Basic training and good manners are covered, after all, who wants to live with a bolshie, bad mannered gundog? A toe-dipping foray into the world of shooting gives you an insight into what your dog has been bred for.